Mental Health Self Care Wheel


I came across this wheel which has been shared so many times that I don’t know who to give credit to.  It gives us all pause for thought.  Self care is so important but we don’t always think of it in terms of a prescription for mental health.  If a doctor wrote it out and put “gym membership” or “leave work at work”, we might actually pay attention.

Taking care of our wellbeing is what keeps us healthy and it is what goes first. Take a look at the wheel and focus on one area that you know needs work. So I will go first…This year I want to focus on Personal.  I want to set some goals that include spending time with friends and family.  I will pick up the phone to talk, I will set dates to have a tea and I will invite people into my messy home even though it makes me very self conscious.

What spoke in this wheel will you focus on?


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