A Smashing Evening! Kintsugi Bowls & Mocktails

Friday, June 21, 2024 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Zen House Yoga Studio, Niagara Falls, ON

Join us for a lighthearted evening of laughter, creativity and embracing imperfection. Learning about ourselves doesn’t always have to be so serious and self care is better when done in connection with others. This evening will include the philosophy behind the Kintsugi bowl, a meditation, charcuterie and cocktails and the smashing of bowls as we go through the process of Kintsugi to create your own piece infused with resilience and beauty.

For more info and tickets go to A Smashing Evening on Eventbrite

Join us as we Manifest 2024 with our new Vision Board Workshop

You will learn to go deeper and find more value than a typical Vision Board. You have an innate wisdom within you, and unique yearnings that are meant only for you. You deserve to know how to cultivate this, how to achieve your higher calling, how to trust yourself, how to feel the way you desire to feel. This Vision Board Workshop goes beyond goals, resolutions and habits. You are going to learn a somatic approach to bring your vision to life.

Who we are:  This interactive and creative session is being lead by Kimberley Gunning, MSW, Reiki II and owner of Kaleidoscope Wellness Niagara and Melanie DiPaola, RYT, Reiki II and founder of the Zen Collective.

What to Expect:

We will introduce you to psychotherapy techniques to let go of preconceived ideas and self-limiting beliefs. It is not about what we want and think we need.  The fundamental goal is to dig deep and know how to find the things that make us smile.

Before we begin creating we will explore the use of positive affirmations, meditation, somatic process, and the use of sound vibration with a singing bowl to set intention and amplify the effectiveness of your vision board.

Workshop Includes: All the necessary materials to make your vision board, including magazines, glue sticks, scissors, and boards.  A light refreshment will be provided.

Join Melanie and Kimberley for an unforgettable experience that empowers you to take charge and lighten your load with a little laughter and connect with your heart.

Your Investment: $44

To reserve your spotTickets

When:  Saturday, January 27 from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm

Location: Zen House Yoga Studio, 6150 Valley Way, Niagara Falls

Feeling Grateful

I know that the world is filled with messages that we should feel grateful. Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about “shoulding all over yourself.” This morning though I do feel incredibly grateful to receive a Reader’s Choice Award in 2 categories!

This year hasn’t turned out quite the way I expected it to. Spoiler alert…and neither will 2024. This certainly isn’t a surprise because the universe always has other plans and sometimes what happens even if it is difficult and unwanted it is really what we needed. Yes, 2023 was filled with lessons and some of them I learned and others kept coming back around to tell me to dig a little deeper. Regardless of how I may feel, I did something right and that feels amazing because it meant I helped others find their “why”. Working in connection with other humans and walking along with them during a challenging time in their life is a gift and I thank those who have trusted me and allowed me to be part of their transformation. It motivates me to be a better therapist, to be present and to show up in life even on the days that are hard.

Thank you! If you are looking for a mental heath tune up, I will be accepting new and returning clients for 2024.

Readers’ Choice Awards

All I can say is Wow! To win an award in 3 categories is just incredible. I started as a young social work years ago and wondered if I could ever make a difference in people’s lives…..if I could ever be good enough. I remember the first time I read Brene Brown and heard her talk about women and “imposter syndrome” and it blew me away. I realized that no matter how smart, beautiful or successful you are, so many women experience this.

I wear my vulnerability now like battle scars and I am proud of who I have become as the years have passed. Moments like this are to be shared with all of the people who have entered my office and my life. I have one of the most amazing jobs in the world as I get to be part of your journeys even if just for a moment or perhaps a little longer as life throws some unexpected twists and turns.

Thank you to those who voted and thank you for trusting me. For those of you who might be reading this but we haven’t met yet, please make that call or send that message. I look forward to meeting you.

Kindest Regards
